Finding Your Signature Brand Style

So you’re opening your business and it’s time to think about branding. It’s important to get your branding right because your visuals are your first impression to customers, but where do you begin? Use this guide to explore and find your brand’s signature style.

Brand Story

Begin with the core of your business or project. What is it about? Who does it serve? Have a clear vision of your brand’s mission and values to get a better idea of the personality of the brand and your potential target audiences. Consider how the business is positioned compared to the competition. What sets you apart from the rest? Every aspect of your business will play a role in the identity of your brand.

Target Audience

Your target audience is your ideal customer base, and this should tie in to your brand’s personality and overall style. You’re looking to attract like-minded people who would benefit from your products or services, so make sure that your branding aligns with this. A target audience of young children is going to call for a totally different style from a target audience of young adult women, for example.

Brand Voice and Personality

If your business were a person, who would they be? Would they be youthful and fun, or more serious and elegant? Try to come up with a persona for your brand–what they would wear, the kinds of music they would listen to, their hobbies, and how they would speak. Treat your brand like it’s a human being, and you’ll find it’s easier for people to connect to.